I Home Realty Scholarship 爱家地产奖学金

What is it?   It was founded by Michael Li - president of I Home Realty Team. Michael donated $2000 to the project of I Home Realty Scholarship (爱家地产奖学金) on the 1st day when he announced starting serve  the local residents on property buying/selling Early May 2018. He also promises to take out agent commission from every transaction he made to keep supporting this charity scholarship. 爱家地产奖学金是由Michael Li - 爱家地产团队的创立者Michael Li 组织成立的. 2018年5月在他宣布开始服务大多居民地产买卖服务开始,他首先自己捐献$2000到这个项目中去, 并且承诺在每个服务的项目中收取的佣金 -- 将抽出部分持续支持这个公益奖学金.
Who can get it? Local Canadian Chinese youth, who are competitive at academy, volunteering, public speaking & leadership, and sport.  Once fill in application and send to "info@hrgolf.ca", they will have the chance to win.  A 3rd party judge committee will make the final decision. 当地的华裔青少年  -- 在学习, 社区公益,公众演讲和领导力,体育运动方面综合成绩突出的,填写申请,发邮件到"Info@ihomeclub.org", 由第3方裁判团最终决定入围者.
How much award? $500, $300, $200, $50, $20奖金会分为这几个等级。

When send out the award? 5:30-9pm Mar 23rd, 2019 at  Gormley Church Richmond Hill-120 Gormley Rd W,Richmond Hill The same day, We will slate the 1st Ihome Gavel Club graduation ceremony . Public Speaking and Debate program will be arranged.初步计划2019年3月23日晚5:30-9pm . 同天晚上, 会进行2018-2019第一届Ihome Gavel Club 学员毕业典礼,会安排现场演讲和辩论。

Contact: Michael Li - 647 505 6168  info@ihome.love

Ellen Huang -- 416 895 0693  Info@ihomeclub.org (申请联系-application)
www.ihomeclub.org  爱家演讲俱乐部   I Home Public Speaking Gavel Club

多谢您和我们一起支持公益, 回馈社区, 房屋,生意买卖请联系爱家地产团队

Appreciate you stand together with us to support charity event; Give back to our community;  Support I Home Realty Team, let them to be your property/business buy/sell agent.

Real Love, Hard Working, 因为爱, 我们在!  www.Ihome.love
I Home Realty Scholarship 爱家地产奖学金