







1 ) Forms for Tenants租户表格) 

Rental Application(租客租房申请表)
  • Notices of termination for tenants (终止租约通知)
N9_ Tenant’s Notice to End the Tenancy     (N9_终止租赁的通知-租客发出)

The termination date must be at least 60 days after the tenant gives the landlord this notice.


N11_ Agreement to End the Tenancy   (N11_终止租赁协议-房东发出)

The tenant will move out of the rental unit on or before thetermination date.


  • Other  (其他表格)
Affidavit  (宣誓书)
Certificate Of Service  (服务证书)
Fee Waiver Request(费用豁免请求)

2 ) Forms for Landlords 出租人(房东)常用表格

  • Application forms for landlords (业主申请表格)
L1_ (Application to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent and to collect rent the tenant owes)


The LTB will schedule your hearing on the first available hearing date within this 3 week period.


L2(Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant)


File all pages of the application with the LTB (not including this page) no more than 30 days after the
termination date set out in the notice you gave to the tenant.


L3(Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant Tenant Gave Notice or Agreed to End the Tenancy)


File all pages of the application with the LTB (not including this page) no later than 30 days after the
termination date set out in the notice the tenant gave you or the agreement to terminate the tenancy.


L4_ (Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant – Tenant Failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order)


File all pages of the application (not including this page) with the LTB no later than 30 days after the
tenant failed to meet a condition of the mediated settlement or order.


L5_ Application for an Above Guideline Increase

L5_ 增加租金申请(租金增幅超出指导价)

L6_ (Application for Review of a Work Order about Provincial Maintenance Standards)


File all pages of the application (not including this page) and a copy of the work order with the LTB no
later than 20 days after the day the work order was issued.


L8_ (Application Because the Tenant Changed the Locks)


The LTB will normally schedule your hearing between 3 weeks and 6 weeks after the date you file your


L9_ (Application to Collect Rent the Tenant Owes)


The LTB will normally schedule your hearing between 3 weeks and 6 weeks after the date you file your


  • Rental Increasement(租金增涨通知)
N1_ (Notice of Rent Increase)


The landlord must give the tenant this notice at least 90 days before the date of the rent increase.


N2_ Notice of Rent Increase (Unit Partially Exempt)


The landlord must give the tenant this notice at least 90 days before the date of the rent increase (where applicable).


N10_ (Agreement to Increase the Rent Above the Guideline)

N10_ 加租协议(租金超出指导价)

A landlord can only agree to increase the rent if at least 12 months have passed since the last rent increase or since a new tenant moved into the unit.


  • Termination of Tenancy (终止租赁合约)
N4(Notice to End a Tenancy Early for Non-payment of Rent)

N4_ 提前终止租约通知(因租客未支付租金而提前终止租赁)

The termination date:
 If your rental agreement with the tenant requires the tenant to pay rent on a monthly, bi-weekly or yearly basis, the termination date must beat least 14 days after you give the notice to the tenant.
 If your rental agreement with the tenant requires the tenant to pay rent on a daily or weekly basis, the termination date must be at least 7 days after you give the notice to the tenant.

 如果您与承租人的租赁协议要求承租人支付租金每月、每两周或每年,终止日期必须为在您向承租人发出通知后至少14天。
 如果您与承租人的租赁协议要求承租人支付租金每天或每周,终止日期必须至少为7天在您向承租人发出通知后的天内。

N5_ Notice to End your Tenancy for Interfering with Others, Damage or Overcrowding

N5_ 终止租约通知(因租客干扰他人、毁坏财物或租客超密度居住而终止租约)

If this is your first N5 Notice to End your Tenancy in the past 6 months, the termination date on page 1 must be at least 20 days after the landlord gave you this notice.

If this is your second N5 Notice to End your Tenancy in the past 6 months, the termination date on page 1 must be at least 14 days after the landlord gave you this notice.

Note: A landlord cannot give you a second N5 Notice to End your Tenancy unless at least 7 days have passed since the first N5 notice was given.




N6_( Notice to End your Tenancy for Illegal Acts or Misrepresenting Income in a Rent-Geared-to-Income Rental Unit)

N6_ 终止租约通知(因承租人的非法行为或提供虚假收入证明以获得租赁许可而终止租赁)

The termination date is different depending on your landlord’s reason for giving you this notice and whether this is your first or second Notice to End your Tenancy in the past 6 months.
For Reason 1, the termination date the landlord sets out in this notice must be at least 10 days after the landlord gives you this notice.
For Reasons 2 and 3,
• If this is your first Notice to End your Tenancy in the past 6 months, the termination date must be at least 20 days after the landlord gave you this notice.
• If this is your second Notice to End your Tenancy in the past 6 months and the first notice had a 7 day correction period, the termination date must be at least 14 days after the landlord gives you this notice.


N7_ (Notice to End your Tenancy for Causing Serious Problems in the Rental Unit or Residential Complex)


The termination date the landlord sets out in this notice must be at least 10 days after
the landlord gives you this notice.


N8_ (Notice to End your Tenancy at the End of the Term)


For most types of tenancies (including monthly tenancies) the termination date must be at least 60 days after the landlord gives you this notice. Also, the termination date must be the last day of a rental period. For example, if you pay rent on the first of each month, the termination date must be the last day of the month. If the tenancy is for a fixed term (for example, a lease for one year), the termination date cannot be earlier than the last date of the fixed term.
Exception: The termination date must be at least 28 days after the landlord gives you this notice if your tenancy is daily or weekly (you pay rent daily or weekly). Also, the termination date must be the last day of the rental period. For example, if you pay rent weekly each Monday, the termination date must be a Sunday. If the tenancy is for a fixed term, the termination date cannot be earlier than the last date of the fixed term.


N11 (Agreement to End the Tenancy)

N11_( 终止租赁协议)

The tenant must move out and remove all their personal possessions from the rental unit by the termination date set out above. If the tenant moves out by the termination date set out above, but leaves behind personal possessions, the tenant will no longer have any rights to those possessions and the landlord will be allowed to dispose of them.


N12(Notice to End your Tenancy Because the Landlord, a Purchaser or a Family Member Requires the Rental Unit)


Fill in the termination date. The termination date must be at least 60 days after the
date that you give the tenant this notice. Also, the date must be on the last day of the
rental period or, if the tenancy is for a fixed term, the last day of the fixed term.


N13_ (Notice to End your Tenancy Because the Landlord Wants to Demolish the Rental Unit, Repair it or Convert it to Another Use)


The termination date the landlord sets out in this notice must be at least 120 days after
the landlord gives you the notice. Exception: If you live in a mobile home park or land
lease community and you own the mobile home or land lease home, the termination date must be at least 1 year after the landlord gave you this notice.
Also, the termination date must be the last day of the rental period. For example, if you
pay rent on the first of each month, the termination date must be the last day of a month.
Finally, if the tenancy is for a fixed term the termination date cannot be earlier than the
last day of the fixed term. For example, if you signed a one-year lease, the termination
date cannot be earlier than the last day of the one-year period set out in the lease.


  • Other forms   (其他表格)
Certificate Of Service ( 文件送达证明)
Payment Agreement (付款协议)
Request to Extend or Shorten Time (申请延期或提前)

A landlord who has not filed their Application for a Rent Increase above the Guideline at least 90 days before the effective date of the first intended rent increase referred to in the application may file a request to shorten time.


Request to Reschedule a Hearing(申请重新安排听证会)
  • 安大略省租约表中有一项:租金折扣(Rent Discounts),如果房东当时提供了疫情期间的租金折扣,应在此项中明确折扣到期时间。如果,房东标明了租金折扣的结束时间,那么租客续约就应该按折扣前的原价支付租金。

  • 安大略省租约表中还有一项:是否有附加条款(Additional Terms),如果房东勾选此项,并在合约上注明:“合约到期后必须离开”,那么租客就必须离开。

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Lesold Realty Team 乐售地产团队 阿刚(Michael G.Li)电话:1+ 647-505-6168(加拿大) / 86+17318048441(中国)