An unmissable opportunity to own an excellent farm in Nova Scotia and enjoy the idyllic scenery. In addition to retirement and self-use, investing in farms is also a popular immigration project. Nova Scotia is also one of the provinces in Canada that does not impose restrictions on foreign buyers of farmland.
There are several advantages to investing in local farms:
1. Land is private
2. Prices are low
3. Taxes on agricultural land are low
优秀的农场位于新斯科舍省金斯县。 51 英亩的土地,带有漂亮且精心打造的农舍,加上约 36,000 平方英尺的大仓库和 600 平方英尺的工作间。 适用于多种用途,以前作为水貂养殖场经营。 可以改造成温室,种植农作物。 业主已经花了大约 10k 来升级温室设备。
The excellent Farm is located in Kings County, Nova Scotia. 51 acres of land with a nice and well-built farmhouse, plus approx 36,000 sqft of Barn Building and 600 sqft workshop. Suitable for many purposes, formerly operated as a mink farm. Can be converted into greenhouses and grow crops. The owner already spent about 10k to upgrade greenhouse equipment.
视频 (Video)
物业介绍 (Property Description)
地址 Address: 204 East Torbrook Rd, Kings County, Nova Scotia, B0P 1W0
价格 Price: $490,000
占地面积 Lot Size: 51 Acres
农舍 Farmhouse
- 层数 Storey: 1.5 Storey
- 室内面积 Floor Area: Approx 2500
- 房龄 Age: 100+
- 卧室 Bedrooms: 5 (1间卧室位于一楼,4间卧室位于上层; 1 Bedroom on the Ground Floor, 4 Bedrooms on the Upper Level)
- 浴室 Bathrooms: 1 (4件套浴室,位于一楼; 4 pcs, on the Ground Floor)
- 其它房间 Other Rooms: 入口处衣帽间, 洗衣房,厨房,餐厅,客厅; Mudroom, Laundry, Kitchen, Dining, Living
- 地下室 Basement: 部分地下室/未完成; Part Basement/ Unfinished
车库/停车位 Garage/Parking Space: 独立式车库/1,充足的室外停车位; Detached Garage/1, Ample outside parking spaces
其它建筑 Other Buildings
- 一个工作间 (30 英尺 x 20 英尺); One Workshop (30 ft x 20 ft)
- 两个大仓库 (42 英尺 x 150 英尺); Two Barns (42 ft x 150 ft)
- 两个大仓库 (60 英尺 x 150 英尺); Two Barns (60 ft x 150 ft)
- 一个大仓库 (30 英尺 x 150 英尺); One Barn (30 ft x 150 ft)
周边设施 Surround Amenities: 高尔夫球场, 公园, 宗教场所, 公共交通, 娱乐中心, 校车路线; Golf, Park, Place of Worship, Public Transit, Recreation Centre, School Bus Route
备注 Remarks: 适用于多种用途,以前作为水貂养殖场经营。 可以改造成温室,种植农作物。 业主已经花了大约 10k 来升级温室设备。建筑物有电力和供水基础设施,并且状况良好。场地有采砾坑,大部分是树。Suitable for many purposes, formerly operated as a mink farm. Can be converted into greenhouses and grow crops. The owner already spent about 10k to upgrade greenhouse equipment. Buildings have power and water infrastructure in place and are in good condition. Gravel pit on-site, mostly treed.
分区 (zoning)
分区 Zoning: F1
地理位置和交通 (Location & Traffic)
社区 Community: Wilmot Township, Kings County
路口 Intersection: East Torbrook Rd / Tremont Mountain
地理位置 Location: 开车5分钟到 Route 201 (Central Ave),开车10分钟到 Hwy 10 (Trunk 10)。开车10分钟左右可到 Crystal Falls, McMaster Mill Historic Park, David Morse Trailhead, Fales River Trail等去享受自然风光和徒步旅行。开车10分钟可到超市。 5 mins drive to Route 201 (Central Ave), 10 mins drive to Hwy 10 (Trunk 10). About 10 mins drive to Crystal Falls, McMaster Mill Historic Park, David Morse Trailhead, Fales River Trail and etc, to enjoy the natural scenery and hiking. 10 mins drive to the supermarket.
人口分布 (Population)
2021 年,金斯县的人口为 62,914 人,比 2016 年的 60,600 人增长了 3.8%。 大多数人只会说英语。In 2021, Kings County had a population of 62,914, a change of 3.8% from its 2016 population of 60,600. Most people speak English only.
照片 (Pictures)
场地 Lot
农舍 Farmhouse
谷仓 & 工作间 Barns & Workshop
- Markham 两层独立屋出租。一楼出租2房1卫1厨,1车库车位,有独立出入,适合小家庭或朋友合租。二楼和地下室整租,共4+3房4+1卫1厨,二楼4间卧室都有独立卫生间,1车库车位,适合大家庭居住。附近有多所学校,靠近Hwy 7和Markham Rd, 交通方便。
- Kirkfield 160英亩农场出售。拥有120英亩可耕地和30英亩硬木林,两个独立住宅,另外还包括Drive Shed,可做马棚;牛棚;以及大小合适的谷仓,配有钉仓和水电。可获得稳定的租金收入。开车两分钟到达Portage Rd (Hwy 48), 可转入Trans-Canada Hwy和Hwy 35。
- 湖边城市Belleville三个商业房产出售,罕见的投资机会,两个商业办公楼和一个商业零售加住宅单元,均具有超大的建筑面积,政府租客,收入稳定
- 投资机会!Melancthon小镇拥有40年树龄树木的大型林场出售 – Investment Opportunity! Tree Farm in Melancthon for Sale
- Kitchener 拥有60年历史特色餐厅出售,不仅可以继续经营原有的具有稳定客源的餐馆,也可以进行开发,最高可建筑四层公寓楼。位于Kitchener小镇市中心,交通便利,无论是周围办公楼,学生还是旅游观光客,都可以轻松前往。售价: $2,221,000
- 出售北约克 222 Finch Ave w上的物理治疗中心。Yonge and Finch 一直是北约克的繁华地点,许多商店、公司在此林立。也是学生一族很爱去的地方。售价: $ 750,000
- Markham KTV商业诚意转让。临街口,交通便利,周边商圈成熟,客流量大,停车方便,证照齐全,生意稳定,可实地考察,接手即可经营。年营业额过$ 85万余。绝佳投资机会,不容错过! 售价:$ 499,000
- 出售列治文山独立屋Richmond Hill 51 Alpaca Dr Detached house,位置在列治文山,豪华装修,超大后花园,仅此一套 ,温馨舒适,性价比高。售价: $ 1,890,000
阿刚(Michael Li) 647-505-6168 微信:ihomemike
因为爱,我们在,Real Love, Hard Working!