列治文山势头正猛&交通方便的新condo出售 – 908-396 Hwy 7 E, Richmond Hill New Condo for Sale


The Toronto real estate market is going through ups and downs, and as the market changes, the real estate investors’ ideas are constantly changing as well. During this period, Condo market prices have steadily increased, attracting the attention of many investors.

今天介绍的这套位靠highway 7的condo正值升值势头,从建成时2019年30万的房价,到如今2021仅仅两年房价就以来到了60万,并且还有上涨的势头和空间。新房不仅是自住还是投资都是有利选择,不论是交通还是学校医院设施都方便。

The condo that lies on highway 7 introducing today is experiencing an appreciation trend. From the house price of $300,000 in 2019 when it was built, to now the house price has reached $600,000 in just two years, and there is still up pricing momentum and room for rising. The new house is not only self-occupied but also a great investment as well as convenient for transportation and school hospital facilities

房型介绍 (Property Description)

地址 Address:908-396 Hwy 7 East Richmond Hill, ON L4B 0G7 Canada

抢购价 Price: $499,000

占地面积Floor Area:636ft

楼层 Level: 9




地下车位Underground Parking:1; Level P2/Unit 129

储物柜 Locker: 1; Level P2/Unit 359


地理位置和交通 (Location & Traffic)

坐落在highway 7上交通便利自然不是问题,靠近404及407,附近也有巴士车站和GO Station可以选择。距餐厅、商店、咖啡馆、银行仅几步之遥。

Convenient transportation on Highway 7 was never a problem. There are also bus stops and GO stations nearby. Steps away from restaurants, shops, cafes and banks.

教育资源 (Education)

Elementary Schools

Adrienne Clarkson Public School

  • 0.77 km 
  • 18-19 G3:113/1338

St Rene Goupil-St Luke Catholic Elementary School

  • 2.12 km
  • 18-19 G3:199/1338

Secondary Schools

St Robert Catholic High School

  • 1.44 km
  • 18-19 G6:20/1217

Bayview Secondary School

  • 4.30 km
  • 18-19 G6:26/1217

人口分布 (Population)

2016年,安大略省列治文山的人口为195,022人。 在最近的两次人口普查中,其人口增长了9,481人,从2011年到2016年平均每年增长1.02%。

In 2016, Richmond Hill, ON had a population of 195,022 people. In the last two censuses, its population grew by 9,481 people, an average growth rate of 1.02% per year from 2011 to 2016.

最大的可见少数民族人口是中国人,占总可见少数民族人口的50.61%。 第二大群体是西亚,占20,170人。 紧随西亚之后的是南亚,占可见少数民族人口的13.31%。

The largest visible minority population is that of the Chinese, making up 50.61% of the total visible minority population. The second-largest group is the West Asian, making up 20,170 people. Following West Asian is South Asian that is 13.31% of the visible minority population.

入口 Entrance

书房 Den

餐厅 & 厨房 Dining Room & Kitchen

餐厅 & 客厅 Dining Room & Living Room

客厅 Living Room

卧室 Bedroom

浴室 Bathroom

阳台 Balcony

走廊 & 电梯 Corridor & Elevator

公寓入口 Condo Entrance

公寓大厅 Condo Lobby


列治文山的新condo出售,2019年建成,1房+Den,1卫,包括 1 个地下停车位、1 个储物柜,9英尺高的天花板,完美布局,朝南,拥有现代厨房,开放式阳台,可轻松前往 404 和 407 号高速公路,各种便利设施车站,学校,餐厅,购物中心等,抢购价:$499,000

列治文山势头正猛&交通方便的新condo出售 – 908-396 Hwy 7 E, Richmond Hill New Condo for Sale